Vein Doctors in Chicago

Chicago physicians (4 results)

  1. Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists: Libertyville

    Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists: Libertyville

    Doctors Dr. Woloson

    • Medical specialty: Vascular Surgeon
    • Years practicing vein care: 20 Year
    • Physician performs procedures?: Yes
    • RVT perform all the Ultrasounds?: Yes
    • Is this a practice or corporation? Practice
  2. Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists: Arlington Heights

    Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists: Arlington Heights

    Doctors Dr. Woloson

    • Medical specialty: Vascular Surgeon
    • Years practicing vein care: 20 Year
    • Physician performs procedures?: Yes
    • RVT perform all the Ultrasounds?: Yes
    • Is this a practice or corporation? Practice
  3. Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists at New Horizon

    Northwest Vascular and Vein Specialists at New Horizon

    Doctors Dr. Woloson

    • Medical specialty: Vascular Surgeon
    • Years practicing vein care: 20 Year
    • Physician performs procedures?: Yes
    • RVT perform all the Ultrasounds?: Yes
    • Is this a practice or corporation? Practice
  4. Dr. Mark Keldahl

    Dr. Mark Keldahl

    Doctors Dr. Keldahl

    • Medical specialty: Vascular Surgeon
    • Years practicing vein care: 10 Year
    • Physician performs procedures?: Yes
    • RVT perform all the Ultrasounds?: Yes
    • Is this a practice or corporation? Practice

Need Help Looking For a Vein Doctor?

You’ve come to the right place. Our website lists everything from medical specialty to how long the physician has been treating veins. We have also embedded reviews from Yelp and Google so you can see other patients experiences.

Need a Vein Clinic in a Nearby City?

The Ultimate Vein Guide has the largest directory of vein doctors across the US.

Once you click on the profile you will see things like office locations, office hours, and whether or not the physician is part of a corporation or private practice.

How Do I Choose A Vein Doctor?

Consider the following:

Medical Specialty
Medical Specialties range from Vascular Surgeon to podiatrist. Only some medical specialties have formal training in treating varicose veins.
Years In Practice
How long has the physician been treating varicose veins?
Ancillary Personnel
Is the technologist an RVT? This could make a huge difference in the diagnosis of your vein disease.

Private Practice or Corporation

Is the physician part of a private practice or a larger corporation? You want to make sure the physician has your best interest in mind and not profits.