Category: Varicose Vein Treatment

Compression Stockings After Vein Ablation

You may have recently taken a Vein Quiz, assessing your health and found the right Doctor to help treat your varicose veins! Your Vein Specialist advised a form of thermal ablation, fitting you for compression stockings, and scheduling an additional appointment with you for either, Endovenous Laser... Read More

EVLT Side Effects and Complications

Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) is a minimally invasive, alternative method to treat varicose veins; enlarged, twisted vessels that bulge underneath the skin. Performed as an ambulatory procedure with local anesthesia or mild sedation, patients can return to their routine within under an hour after... Read More

Radiofrequency Ablation Side Effects

Varicose veins are swollen twisted vessels most commonly affecting lower extremities such as the legs and feet. Damaged valves disrupt unidirectional blood flow, causing blood to pool, weakening vein walls, and causing dilation. Varicosities are a visible manifestation indicating something more... Read More